Category: Aircraft Mechanics

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How does an airplane protect against exploding smartphones?

Unless you are living underground, you’ve probably heard about Samsung’s Note 7 smartphones spontaneously catching fire due to a manufacturing defect that allows for excessive pressure to be applied to the lithium-ion battery, allowing for a short to occur which results in a fire. There has already been at least one instance of the Note…
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How to Make the Most out of NBAA This Year

In just a few weeks, thousands of business aviation professionals will descend on Orlando, Florida for the annual Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition, otherwise known as NBAA-BACE or simply “NBAA 2016.” It’s a great networking opportunity regardless of your profession in the industry, so we’ve got 5 tips to make the most of your time…
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5 Things Every Aviation Maintenance Technician Should Have

Toolboxes can look very different between AMTs depending on what kind of aircraft they work on and what their specialty is. The following list, however, are must haves for any aviation mechanic. 1. A good headlamp. Whether you work on Cessna 150s or Airbus A380s, we’ve all been there- fumbling to install hardware obscured by…
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